Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rita & Eddie

Rita, originally uploaded by The Pearl Photography.

Malibu, CA

October 17, 2009

We will have more pictures uploaded shortly.

Rowina & Kuresa

Rowina & Kuresa, originally uploaded by The Pearl Photography.

Engagement session.

Korean Bell of Friendship and Bell Pavilion
Angels Gate Park, California.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Christina & Emerson Bran.

Logo, originally uploaded by The Pearl Photography.

Christina & Emerson Bran

October 24th, 2009

Such beautiful ceremony we witnessed this day. Me and my associate almost burst into tears when they exchanged vows. Christina, now Mrs. Bran, loves flowers, she actually owns her very own successful company. and the venue was, of course, decorated so tastefully and all the flower arrangements took the event into another level of beauty.

To Christina and Emerson, Cheers!!!